The Infodemic of COVID-19 Vaccines: Science and Pseudoscience Highlights

Keywords: Infodemic, COVID-19, Misinformation, Pseudoscience


Since we are discussing COVID-19 vaccines, it is also important to fundamentally state from the onset that vaccine immunity is dramatically superior to natural immunity. We are stating this because, the most consistent misinformation which is axiomatic among anti-vaxxers is that natural immunity is superior to vaccine provided immunity. Now let's look at some of the existing or emerging pseudo-science surrounding COVID-19 vaccines. One of the misconceptions is that the COVID- 19 vaccine will induce infertility. This is a baseless claim. And, unfortunately, the claim is made in a few complicated scientific terms, making it the most dangerous form of misinformation. In a nutshell, the COVID-19 vaccine leads to the development of antibodies. If you come in contact with COVID-19 virus after getting the vaccine, these antibodies will attach to the spike on the COVID-19 virus. Once attached, the virus is no longer able to attack the body. The misinformation claims that COVID-19 antibodies also attach to spikes (called proteins) on the placenta (called syncytins).