Zulu et al., 2017 Evaluation of Training and Implementation Program for Community-Based Child Growth Monitors and Promoters in Zambia

  • Admin Administrator
Keywords: Community-Based, Curriculum, Training, Content, Methodology


Background: Like many other Sub-Saharan African countries, Zambia faces significant challenges of infant and young child survival. Zambia Demographic and Health Survey statistics still records an unacceptably high rate in the most recent statistics at 29.4, 56.4 and 88.5 per 1,000 live births for neonatal, infant and under-five mortality respectively.
Problem Statement: Despite all the efforts being implemented by the government to ensure good health and growth for children, child mortality remains unacceptably high probably due to incompetent performance of Community-Based Child Growth Monitors and Promoters (CCGMPs) which could be caused by many factors including inadequate training. Community-Based Child Growth Monitoring and Promotion (CCGMP) is a relevant complementary activity for many of the interventions that need to be undertaken for the proper growth of children, especially in developing countries due to critical shortage of professional health workers, in view of serious financial and human resources constraints [3].Results will be useful to policy-makers and programme managers for improving training and work conditions of CCGMPs to increase productivity and effective implementation of community-based strategies, in line with the UN’s third (3rd) sustainable development goal of “Good Health and well-being by 2020.”

Methods: Mixed methods design; cross-sectional survey and qualitative case studies. To increase the strength of the study, triangulation will be ensured by mixing five methods including; cross sectional survey, systematic document review, uninterrupted direct observation, one-on-one exit interviews with mothers, and focus group discussions of the CCGMPs, and by engaging two different types of respondents CCGMPs and mothers. Data for cross sectional survey will be analysed using computer software of SPSS version
